I am Vaing Doung Oudom

I am Vaing Doung Oudom


Greeting everyone! I am Vaing Doung Oudom a former student of American Intercon School, Phsar Thmey campus, Academic Year 2020-2021.  Currently, I am persuing my degree at the Royal University of Law and Economics as a third year student. I am delighted and thankful to school, as well as to all the teachers who have contributed to help improve me either at school or society which makes my university life successful. I would like to share some experiences at the university that I have studied for the past three years:

  • Step 1: Do more research becuase teachers cannot explain thoroughly duirng class.
  • Step 2: Read more books because some vital documents are not available in the internet so that you have to find it at library.
  • Step 3: Build your connection between teachers and students; this will help broaden your network and give you mutual benefits in the future.
  • Step 4: Attend workshop or seminar because you can just learn only theory at school, but once you join many of those events, you will surely get further information which relate to your major becuase it might differ from the theory you lear at school.
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